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Newton School DSA Question Contest
Here is general coding question in day to day life.
Table of contents
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Do Submit your question list here:
- Aman Question
Aman 16-02-23
Pair sum (Contest) 5 / 7
Number of distinct numbers ✅
Sara and Monsters (Contest) ✅
Array construction 3 / 8
Grid Magic (Contest) ✅
Aman 12-02-23
Difference Array ✅
Tower of Hanoi ✅
Close to Right (Contest)
Cyclic Rotation Paradigm (Contest)
Matrix ZigZag Traversal ✅
Aman 09-02-23
Teacher ✅
Count Total Digits in a Number ✅
Power of Three 1/6
Replace element ✅
Rotate the matrix ✅
Aman 02-02-23
Optimal Goodies (Contest) *8 / 12
The EndGame : Concatenated Words *3 / 6
The high median paradigm (Contest) ✅
Help James (Contest) ✅
Transpose of a matrix ✅
*Aman 29-01-23**
Choose Card optimally(Contest) ✅
Reduce to 1
K-Pairs (Contest) ✅
Odd Inception ✅
Spiral rotation
**Aman 22-01-23**
Science Camp (contest) ✅
Generate all parentheses
Smaller elements ✅
Easy - Peasy (Contest) ✅
Swapping Matrix (Contest) ✅
**Aman 19-01-23**
Strange element (Easy-Version) ✅
N integers: Easy (Contest) ✅
The gabba test
Sweet Bunty (Contest)
Repeated substrings ✅
**Aman: 15-01-23**
Missing two ✅
Minimum operation - II
Searching an element in a sorted array ✅
Infinity Stones : Form Black Order - The Army of Thanos ✅
Matrix problem ✅
**Aman: 12/01/23**
Even-Odd seperate sorting
Lone Sum Supremacy (Contest) ❌
Candy Love (Contest)
Get the Shadow
Transpose of a matrix ✔️
**Aman: 08/01/23**
D Triplets
The EndGame : Concatenated Words ✅
The high median paradigm (Contest) ✅
Good array ✅
Swapping Matrix (Contest) ✅
**Aman: 05/01/23**
Easy sorting ✅
The Conversion To One
Sara and Monsters (Contest)
Diet planning (Contest) ✅
Triangular matrix ✅
**Aman: 29/12/22**
Shopping ✅
Lone Sum Supremacy (Contest)
K-Pairs (Contest) ✅
N integers: Easy (Contest) ✅
Maximum Team strength (Contest) ✅
**Aman: 25/12/22**
Sorting Operation (Contest)
Tower of Hanoi ✅
Close to Right (Contest)
Hip Hip Array ✅
Good cells ✅
**Aman: 22/12/22**
Christmas and Friends (Contests)
Generate all parentheses
Minimum Element in Sorted and Rotated Array
NoXor (Simple Contest) ✅
Row with maximum 1's ✅
**Aman: 18/12/22**
Crazy Walk (Contest) ✅
Array Frequency Paradigm (Contest)
Derrangement Exercise (Contest) ✅
Balanced Neighborhood (Contest)
ICE admission (Contest) ✅
**Aman: 15/12/22**
Maximize Strength (Contest)
Minimum operation - II
Guardians of Galaxy
Happy Diwali! (Contest)
Diagonal Sum
**Aman: 11/12/22**
Orange or Chocolate Candy? (Contest)
Knight game
Polynomial equation
Xor to the power i
Matrix problem
**Aman: 08/12/22**
Missing two ✅
Number of distinct numbers
The high median paradigm (Contest) ✅
Lexographical Rotation (Contest)
Kth Row of Pascal's Triangle
**Aman: 04/12/22**
Minimize Product ✅
Easy - Peasy (Contest) ✅
Divisible by 8
Least Subarrays
Reverse stack
**Aman: 01/12/22**
Absolute value discrepancy ✅
Majority Element
Goat trouble (contest)
Addition of Common Elements
**Aman: 27/11/22**
Pair sum (Contest)
Maximum Frequency Character
Monster Combat (Contest)
Candy Love (Contest)
**Aman: 20/11/22**
Lexo Small (Contest) ✅
Sum of the Last K Numbers (Contest)
Divide Array (Contest)
Minimum number to make median X
Arithmetics (Contest)
**Aman: 13/11/22**
Mod Square ✅
Count 1's in binary array ✅
Simple Cakes (Simple Contest) ✅
Decompress the encoded array ✅
Sum of the Last K Numbers (Contest) ✅
Kth Smallest Difference
Pair Em Up (Contest)
Kth smallest element
Monster hunt
Max Candies (Contest)
- Chandan Question
Simple Pairs ✅
Insert Operator ✅
Array Games
Replace element ✅
Zero Padding(Contest) ✅
**Chandan 29-01-23**
Simple Pairs ✅
Insert Operator ✅
Power of Three
Largest Bitonic Subarray ✅
Good cells ✅
**Chandan 22-01-23**
Derrangement Exercise (Contest) ✅
Squiggly brackets ✅
Sara and Monsters (Contest) ✅
Max Candies (Contest)
Counting Zeroes to Ones (Contest) ✅
**Chandan 19-01-23**
Crazy Walk (Contest) ✅
Odd Inception ✅
Power of Three
Number of ways ✅
Candy Store Earnings (Contest) ✅
**Chandan 15-01-23**
Choose Card optimally(Contest) ✅
Reduce to 1
Sara and Monsters (Contest) ✅
Remove Duplicates Inplace ✅
Crazy Walk (Contest) ✅
**Chandan [12-01-23]**
Science Camp ✅
Search in rotated sorted array ✅
Maximum and Minimum in an Array ✅
Crazy Walk(Contest) ✅
**Chandan [08-01-23]**
Increment- Decrement Philosophy
Number of ways
Count 1's in binary array ✅
Orange or Chocolate Candy?(Contest) ✅
Triangular matrix ✅
**Chandan [05-01-23]**
Sorting Operation (Contest)
Minimum operation - II
Power of Three
Happy Balloons (Contest) ✅
Maximum Team strength (Contest) ✅
**Chandan [29-12-22]**
Home Advantage (Contest )
Number of ways
Array Games
NoXor (Simple Contest) ✅
Triangular matrix ✅
**Chandan [25-12-22]**
Maximizing Difference ✅
Factorial - Recursion ✅
Smaller elements
Small is best
Matrix ZigZag Traversal
**Chandan [22-12-22]**
Mutating Array
Knight game
Choose points
Iso Lexo String (Contest)
Row with maximum 1's ✅
**Chandan [18-12-22]**
Crazy Walk (Contest)
Array Frequency Paradigm (Contest)
Derrangement Exercise (Contest)
Balanced Neighborhood (Contest)
ICE admission (Contest)
**Chandan [15-12-22]**
Sorting Operation (Contest)
Knight game
Choose points
Good array
Transpose of a matrix
**Chandan [11-12-22]**
D Triplets
Factorial - Recursion ✅
Choose points
Divisible by 8
Alternate Matrix Addition
**Chandan [08-12-22]**
Lazy Salesman ✅
Generate all parentheses
Find element in 2D array
Arpit's toy (Contest)
Strange element (Easy-Version)
**Chandan [04-12-22]**
Yet Another Array Rearrangement Problem (Contest) ✅
Wakandan Point in Unsorted Array
Me in middle ✅
The gabba test
Evaluate Expression using Stack
**Chandan [01-12-22]**
Simple Pairs (Simple Contest) ✅
Setwet's Fish Pond
Sequence Formation (Contest)
Remember (Contest)
Set Operations
**Chandan - [27.11.2022]**
Integer Modification (contest)
Attendance Register (Contest)✅
Missing Integer (Contest)
Tourism (contest) ✅
K-Pairs (Contest)
**Chandan - [20/11/2022]**
Missing Integer (Contest)
Sum of the Last K Numbers (Contest)
Pair Em Up (Contest)
Liar Liar (contest)
Maximum Value of X
**Chandan - [13/11/2022]**
Mod Square ✅
Count 1's in binary array ✅
Simple Cakes (Simple Contest) ✅
Decompress the encoded array ✅
Sum of the Last K Numbers (Contest) ✅
Row Index identification
Easy Peasy ✅
Smaller elements
Count totol digit in a number ✅
Three way partitioning
**Prince 12-01-23**
Can we sort? (Contest)
Knight game
Fast Search (Contest)
N integers: Easy (Contest)
Maximum Team strength (Contest) ✅
**Prince 08-01-23**
Concatenate Strings
Factorial - Recursion ✅
Array Games
Sum Discrepancy (Contest)
Strange element (Easy-Version)
**Prince 05-01-23**
Eat or be Eaten ✅
Lone Sum Supremacy (Contest)
Guardians of Galaxy ✅
Xor to the power i
Matrix ZigZag Traversal ✅
Matrix problem ✅
Help james
the gabba test ✅
Insert operator ✅
Missing two ✅
**Vikas ece 12-01-23**
Anagram Strings
Squiggly brackets ✅
Sara and Monsters (Contest) ✅
Get the Shadow ✅
Boundary Traversal of Matrix ✅
**Vikas ece 08-01-23**
Fruit Market (Contest) ✅
Number of ways ✅
Floor in a Sorted Array ✅
Subarray with given sum ✅
Max sum column ✅
**Vikas ece 05-01-23**
Choose Card optimally(Contest)
Kth permutation ✅
Find element in 2D array ✅
Sum Discrepancy (Contest)
Max Candies ✅
**Vikas ece 29-12-22**
Can we sort? (Contest)
Permutation - 1
Count 1's in binary array ✅
Setwet's Fish Pond
Boundary Traversal of Matrix ✅
**Vikas ece 25-12-22**
Maximize Strength (Contest) ✅
Passcode ✅
Polynomial equation ✅
Simple Paired Product
Spiral rotation ✅
**Vikas ece 22-12-22**
Maximum Area ✅
Lone Sum Supremacy (Contest) ✅
Least Subarrays
Donation ✅
Triangular matrix ✅
**Vikas ece 18/12/2022**
Crazy Walk (Contest) ✅
Array Frequency Paradigm (Contest)
Derrangement Exercise (Contest) ✅
Balanced Neighborhood (Contest)
ICE admission (Contest) ✅
**Vikas ece 15-12-22**
Two Sum Maximization
Palindrome Splitting
Floor in a Sorted Array ✅
Sum and Mean ✅
Max sum column ✅
**Vikas ece 11-12-22**
Two Sum Maximization
The EndGame : Concatenated Words
Packing Rectangles (Contest)
Easy - Peasy (Contest) ✅
Spiral rotation ✅
**Vikas ece 04-12-22**
Missing two
School Picnic
Skit Video (Contest)
Packing Rectangles (Contest)
Longest valid Parenthesis ✅
**Vikas ece 01-12-22**
Maximum Force ✅
Xor to the power i
Remove duplicates from array ✅
Lazy- Lazy
Most occurred string
**Vikas ece 30 Oct 2022**
Pair Em Up (Contest) ✅
Kth Smallest Difference ✅
**Raushan 29-01-23**
Anagram ✅
Close to Right (Contest)
Highest MEX (Contest)
Birthday Gift (Contest) ✅
**Raushan 22-01-23**
Shopping ✅
Moving right (Contest) ✅
Alice Special Palindrome (Contest)
Swapping Matrix (Contest) ✅
Ropes (Contest)
**Raushan 15-01-23**
Akash's Contest (Contest)
Balanced Neighborhood (Contest)
Separating Negative and Positive numbers
Minimize Product ✅
Duplicates at a distance k
**Raushan 08-01-23**
Repeated substrings
Fast Search (Contest)
Grid Magic (Contest)
Xor to the power i ✅
Inversion of array
**Raushan 31-12-22**
Remaining Hungers(Contest) ✅
Packing Rectangles (Contest)
Row Index Identification (Contest)
Lexographical Rotation (Contest)
Roman Number to Integer
**Raushan 24-12-22**
Zero Padding(Contest) ✅
Choose Card optimally(Contest)
The high median paradigm (Contest) ✅
Easy - Peasy (Contest) ✅
Repeating Character - First Appearance Leftmost ✅
**Raushan 18-12-22**
Max Score in Quiz (Contest) ✅
Maximum Area
Smaller elements ✅
Good array ✅
Pangram Checking
**Raushan 11-12-22**
Let's buy toys (Contest) ✅
Counting Zeroes to Ones (Contest) ✅
Door problem
Sort it (Contest) ✅
Matching (contest)
**Raushan 22-01-23**
Ropes (Contest)
Swapping Matrix (Contest) ✅
Alice Special Palindrome (Contest) ✅
Moving right (Contest) ✅
Shopping ✅
**JP 02/02/23**
Birthday Gift
Minimum adjacent difference in a circular Array
Knight game ✅
Derrangement Exercise ✅
Bad dish ✅
** JP 29/01/23**
Frequency Sort
Knight game ✅
Lexographic Rotation
Good cells ✅
The Gabba Test ✅
** JP 22-01-23**
Help Arun with Weight
Insert Operator
Close to Right
Special Digit Sum
Counting zeros to one's
Max sum column ✅
small is best ✅
The Gabba test ✅
The conversation to ones ✅
Integer Modification ✅
JP AEIE 12-01-23
Repeated Substring
The Endgame: Concatenated Words ✅
The Gabba Test
School picnic ✅
Zero Padding ✅
JP AEIE 08-01-23
Candy Store Earnings
Squiggle Brackets ✅
Candy Love ✅
Happy Diwali
Counting zeros to one's
JP AEIE 05-01-23
Candy Shopping
Squiggle Brackets ✅
Smaller Elements ✅
Setwet's Fish Pond
Row Index Identification
JP [29-12-22]
Repeated Substring
Knight game
Power of Three
Help James
Max sum column ✅
JP [25-12-22]
Home Advantage
Numbers of Ways ✅
Bad dish
Orange and chocolate candy ✅
Anti clockwise ✅
JP [22-12-22]
Crazy walk ✅
Array Frequency Paradigm
Derrangement Exercise ✅
Balanced Neighborhood
ICE admission ✅
JP [18-12-22]
Frequency Sort
Sum up ✅
Power of Three
Find the only repeated number
Simple transpose ✅
JP [15-12-22]
Fruit Market ✅
Wakandan point in unsorted Array
Palindrome Array
Sara And monster ✅
Height problem ✅
JP [11-12-22]
Eat or Eaten
Good array ✅
Replace elements ✅
My rank palindrome
Sum of prime ✅
- Vikas AEIE
**Vikas AEIE 12-02-23
Fruit Market (Contest) ✅
Knight game
Smaller elements ✅
N integers: Easy (Contest) ✅
Transpose of a matrix ✅
**Vikas AEIE 16-02-23
Eat or be Eaten ✅
Permutation - 2 ✅
Guardians of Galaxy ✅
Rahul's Groceries (Contest)
Row Index Identification (Contest) ✅
**Vikas 29-01-23**
Teacher ✅
Akash's Contest (Contest)
Positive at even negative at odd ✅
Swapping Matrix ✅
**Vikas AEIE 15-01-23**
Difference Array ✅
Lone Sum Supremacy (Contest)
Polynomial equation
Cookie division (Contest)
Simple-Transpose ✅
**Vikas AEIE 12-01-23**
Lazy Salesman ✅
Number of distinct numbers ✅
K-Pairs (Contest) ✅
Minimum adjacent difference in a circular array ✅
Balanced Neighborhood (Contest) ✅
**Vikas AEIE 08-01-23**
Home Advantage (Contest)
Binary Searchable
Wakandan Point in Unsorted Array ✅
Triangular matrix ✅
**Vikas AEIE 05-01-23**
Boundary Traversal of Matrix ✅
Contest 29-12-22
Simple Pairs (Simple Contest) ✅
Count 1's in binary array ✅
Matrix ZigZag Traversal✅
Contest 25-12-22
Simple-Transpose ✅
**Vikas AEIE 22-12-22**
K-Pairs (Contest) ✅
**Vikas AEIE 18/12/2022**
Crazy Walk (Contest ✅
Derrangement Exercise (Contest) ✅
Balanced Neighborhood (Contest) ✅
ICE admission (Contest) ✅
**Vikas AEIE 15-12-22
Difference Array ✅
Grid Magic (Contest) ✅
**Vikas AEIE 11-12-22**
Count Total Digits in a Number ✅
Search in rotated sorted array ✅
Sort it (Contest) ✅
**Vikas AEIE 08-12-22**
Count Total Digits in a Number ✅
**Vikas AEIE 04-12-22**
ODD- EVEN Tantrums ✅
**Vikas AEIE 01-12-22**
Simple Paired Product ✅
**Vikas AEIE - [27.11.2022]**
Missing Integer (Contest) ✅
K-Pairs (Contest) ✅
**Vikas AEIE - [20/11/2022]**
Sum of the Last K Numbers (Contest) ✅
**Vikas AEIE - [13/11/2022]**
Mod Square ✅
Count 1's in binary array ✅
Simple Cakes (Simple Contest) ✅
Decompress the encoded array ✅
Sum of the Last K Numbers (Contest) ✅