Mastering the JavaScript Essential Topics for Good Developers

Unleash Your Development Potential with a Deep Dive into the Must-Know Topics in JavaScript programming language


4 min read

Becoming a Good Developer: The Ultimate Guide to Understanding the Key Topics in JavaScript.


  1. Introduction

    1.1 Hello World

    1.2 Variables

    1.3 Data Types

    1.4 typeof

  2. Language fundamentals

    2.1 Math operators

    2.2 Increment Decrement

    2.3 console.log and Chrome DevTools

    2.4 Functions

    2.5 Function Parameters

    2.6 return statement

    2.7 if-else

    2.8 Logical Operators

    2.9 Arrays

    2.10 for Loop

    2.11 break vs continue vs return

    2.12 Equality check in JS

    2.13 Objects

    2.14 Call by reference in objects

    2.15 Scoping

    2.16 Variable shadowing

  3. Document Object Model ( DOM )

    3.1 Document Object Model (DOM)

    3.2 document.querySelector

    3.3 document.querySelectorAll

    3.4 Introduction to event listeners

    3.5 More on traversing DOM

    3.6 Create elements dynamically with JavaScript

    3.7 Change HTML attributes with JavaScript

    3.8 Change CSS styles with JavaScript

  4. Modern JavaScript ( ES 6 + )

    4.1 Destructuring

    4.2 Arrow functions

    4.3 New array methods

    4.4 Template literals

    4.5 Promises and fetch


  1. Promises

    5.1 Introduction

    5.2 .then

    5.3 .catch

    5.4 Nesting Promises

    5.5 Nesting catch

    5.6 Converting callback to promises

    5.7 Async-Await Introduction

    5.8 Error Handling

    5.9 Promise.all

    5.10 Promise.allSettled

  2. Prototypal Inheritance Model

    6.1 Introduction

    6.2 getPrototypeOf

    6.3 Object.create

    6.4 setPrototypeOf

    6.5 Functional prototype chain

    6.6 delete and hasOwnProperty

  3. DOM and Events

    7.1 Introduction

    7.2 What is DOM really?

    7.3 innerText vs innerHTML

    7.4 createElement

    7.5 append and prepend

    7.6 Removing elements

    7.7 addEventListener

    7.8 Event capturing and bubbling

    7.9 Third argument boolean

    7.10 removeEventListener

    7.11 event.preventDefault

  4. Objects

    8.1 Equality check in JS

    8.2 sameValueZero Algorithm

    8.3 Iterating objects

    8.4 Introduction to iterators

    8.5 Example on iterators

    8.6 Objects passed by reference

    8.7 Generator functions

  5. Miscellaneous

    9.1 JSON Parsing

    9.2 Strict Mode


  1. JavaScript Internals

    10.1 Execution Thread And Call Stack (Watch video)

    10.2 Execution Context

    10.3 Memory Overview and JavaScript Engine

    10.4 Async JS, Task Queue, Event Loop


  1. ECMAScript

    11.1 What is ECMAScript?

    11.2 ECMAScript Standards

    11.3 Support for ECMAScript Standards

  2. DOM Overview

    12.1 DOM and DOM APIs

  3. JS Runtime

    13.1 What is Runtime?

    13.2 What is a Runtime Engine?

    13.3 Node as a runtime

    13.4 NativeScript as a runtime

    13.5 Electron as a runtime

  4. V8 Engine

    14.1 V8 introduction

    14.2 JIT compilation in JS

  5. Event Loop

    15.1 Introduction to event loop

    15.2 Callstack

    15.3 Internal Web API section

    15.4 Task Queue

    15.5 Understanding Task Queue

    15.6 requestAnimationFrame Queue

    15.7 Introduction to Microtask queue

    15.8 rAF queue


JavaScript is a scripting language that uses high-level features of the C language and other languages such as Scheme, Perl, Ruby, Python and more. It was designed by Brendan Eich, who also created the Web browser Firefox.

  • Promises - what they are, how they work under the hood, how to work with them and convert legacy APIs to promises

  • Async-await - Converting promises into async-await for better readability

  • Prototypal inheritance model of JavaScript - how JavaScript objects really work

  • DOM - Manipulating elements, event capturing and bubbling, strict mode, and JSON parsing

  • Equality checks, weird side of JavaScript

  • Iterators and generators

    • How thread and call stack work in JavaScript

    • What is execution context in JavaScript

    • How does JS work with memory

    • What are different kinds of JavaScript engines

    • What are some async JS features

    • Event loop working and how task queues work

    • JavaScript Fundamentals

    • ECMAScript Standard

    • Advanced theoretical JS concepts

    • What is event loop and how it works

    • Callstack and queues

    • Tricky interview questions for task and microtask queues

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